Quality Awards winner Bernadette Lo Bianco

Bernadette Lo Bianco is a member of SKAL Palermo and is at the head of the Sicily and Siracuse Sea For All project.

Sicily and Siracuse Sea For All

The “Sicily and Syracuse, Sea for All” 2021 project aims to promote accessible tourism and quality hospitality, by overcoming all those obstacles that prevent you from fully enjoying the tourist experience and all the beauty. of the Sicilian territory.

In agreement with the representatives of the categories to which this project is intended (Associations of people with various disabilities) and with the help of technicians, professionals and people with specific needs, information was collected (from sources such as category and Harbor Office of Syracuse) on the coast and on the bathing establishments of Syracuse and the rest of Sicily in order to select those that guarantee greater accessibility, as they are equipped with “dedicated” routes to the various specific needs, by entering the relevant data in this summary document.

Throughout Sicily there are as many as 130 post-Covid accessible bathing establishments (61 public and 69 private), of which 34 in the province of Syracuse (20 public and 14 private) and 17 in the Arezzo area (12 public and 5 private). most virtuous of Sicily.

An increase of almost 20% compared to the previous year’s data.