The letter below has been sent by our President Franz Heffeter to the Executive Board and it supports the Clubs who are requesting an elective extraordinary general meeting to complete the elections started in the last AGM of December 2021.
Skål International
Executive Committee
Secretariat/ Ana Maria Vera
Ava. Palma de Mallorca No 15.
Torremolinos – Spain
February 15, 2022
Dear President Burcin Turkkan and Skål International Executive Committee, Skål International Europe respectfully appeal for an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting (EOGM) to be held for the election of a Vice President and Director of the Skal International Executive Board to fill these vacant positions when required qualifying majority is reached, (Article VII, Section 2, b).
As there has not been given a statuary basis for the installation of an Interim Vice President by the Executive Committee without the obligatory process due to the statutes and By-Laws SKAL International Europe also asks for following the statutes correctly.
Please see
ARTICLE VI Executive Committee Section 1 – Composition and Term of Office of the Executive Committee:
(a) The Skål International Executive Board shall comprise six elected members of the Executive Committee, the International Skål Council President and the Chief Executive Officer. All members of the Executive Committee shall have been elected individually by a General Assembly vote and shall cover the following positions: President, two Vice Presidents and three Directors. The International Skål Council President and the Chief Executive Officer are not voting members of the Executive Board. A nomination/installation of a position without a correct basis in the statutes is void when the respective articles and paragraphs are not declared officially until clarified legally.
Best regards
SKAL International Europe

Dr. Franz Heffeter – President