Again, it’s not about football! Twenty Italian and French operators had a one-hour meeting, introducing themselves and their companies in a very amicable and pleasant way.
On the 8th of June, twenty operators from Italian and French clubs met on Zoom creating the basis for new relations in the true spirit of “doing business among friends”. The event was organized by Skal Cote d’Azur and Skal Italia, based on the format introduced one month before with the “Italy meets Germany” event.
Tourism flows between Italy and Southern France are robust, with a large number of tourists travelling back and forth each year. Italian tourists often visit Southern France to explore its picturesque landscapes, charming coastal towns like Nice and Cannes, and world-renowned attractions such as the French Riviera. Similarly, French tourists frequently visit Italy to experience its rich history, art, cuisine, and iconic cities like Rome, Florence, and Venice.
These meetings are proving to be very useful as they engage members that are rarely seen in more official Skal events and with a much lower age range than the association average.
Also very interesting are the new products that were offered, most of them including strong elements of true sustainability and preservation of cultural diversity.
Tito Livio Mongelli, the new president of Skal Italia says: “These seminars are an effective and very useful way to create the SKAL OF THE XXI CENTURY. Our members have to feel to be part of a unique European Skal network that is able to improve their business every day“.
Nicolle Martin, the amazing president of Skal Cote D’Azur replies “This 1st European webinar between skalleagues from the Côte d’Azur and skalleagues from Italy was a great success. Congratulations and thanks to Paolo Bartolozzi for having co-organized this first edition. Very fruitful experience to be repeated, why not with other European countries to continue doing business with friends.“