Skal International Help for Ukraine

A special Skål International Aid Committee has been initiated by Skål International World President Burcin Turkkan and the Executive Board.

The Committee will be co-chaired by Skål International Past World Presidents Matanyah Hecht and Jan Sunde.

The Committee will work on two projects with funds donated; provide emergency humanitarian aid/support to Ukrainian Refugees crossing the borders in Europe where Skål International clubs exist and be ready to provide support in the reconstruction of Ukraine after the war.

The Skål International Aid Committee will work closely with Skål International Bucharest as the front-line club providing help to the refugees with food, transportation, and calling out for volunteers if and when needed. Skål International will also be working with the international humanitarian aid organization for children UNICEF and consider a donation on behalf of Skål International Membership to be used for the wellbeing of the Ukrainian children affected by the war.

A special account has been created to receive all donations for this crisis. Skål International Headquarter will post the updated reports from the Skål International Aid Committee on Skål International social media platforms and the Skål International website.

We encourage all of you to join in sending your donation to this much-needed cause – Ukrainians need our help – our Skålleagues helping them on the ground in the front line need support.

Following are the bank details for donations:

Bank Donations
Beneficiary:Asociación Internacional de Skål Clubes – AISC
Bank:Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria
IBAN: ES68 0182 0481 6102 0173 1823

Or you may also use the GoFundMe online payment link as shown below:

Let’s all make a difference with our contributions!


Annette Cardenas
Director PR, Communications & Social Media
Skål International